Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hero to Villain in Macbeth by Shakespeare - 791 Words

Is it possible to go from being a loyal hero to a selfish villain in a short period of time? In the tragedy Macbeth by William Shakespeare, written in the 1600s, Macbeth is first depicted as a noble and loyal Scottish general, who is allegiant to his sovereign, King Duncan. After three witches reveal prophecies to both Macbeth and Banquo, ambition begins to cloud Macbeth’s judgment, resulting in ominous thoughts about killing his king. Although not yet completely ignoble, Macbeth begins to embark on a bloody course with his wife, Lady Macbeth, resulting in the deaths of both King Duncan and Banquo. By Act III, scene iii, Macbeth has lost his noble qualities and is no longer considered a hero. This is best exemplified by Macbeth’s ambition and his role in Banquo’s murder. Macbeth has lost his noble qualities and is no longer considered a hero due to his ambition. After one of the witches’ prophecies came true, King Duncan announces that his son, Malcolm, will succeed him. The witches told Macbeth that he would become king, so upon hearing this news, Macbeth says to himself, â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step / On which I must fall down or else o’erleap†¦Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see† (I.iv.55-60). In this aside, Macbeth reveals the terrible desires that plague his mind in order to become king. His ambition to become king by self-fulfilling the prophecy is what is causing him to think this way. The audience begins to see Macbeth change as a character inShow MoreRelatedThe Tragic Hero Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare1724 Words   |  7 Pagestragedy applies to William Shakespeare s play Macbeth. The play is about a hero who reaches a high position in the play and then falls because of his choices. M acbeth is a tragic hero according to Aristotle s aspects that make a tragedy. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Common Sense Explanations And The Explanations Of C....

In this essay I will be exploring the differences between common sense explanations and the explanations of C. Wright Mills theory of The Sociological Imagination. Common sense is based on people s personal experiences and their opinions, very often constructed from social norms and generalised views. Whereas, the Sociological Imagination thought up by sociologist C. Wright Mills (1959) is based on the ideas of thinking critically and skeptically, in order to think sociologically. He wrote that in order to do this, we have to understand and grasp the link between current society and history, personal troubles and public issues. There are three main parts to Sociological Imagination: social structure, biography and history. In this essay I will set forth the ways in which each of these approaches would explain the topic of sexuality. I consider sexuality to be an umbrella term for various features, including sexual orientation, sexual activity, masculinity/femininity and gender roles . Each of which will be looked at in this essay in order to explore the topic of sexuality in relation to common sense and the Sociological Imagination. Sexual orientation is commonly viewed as the term to describe an individual’s attraction for others; who they want to have sex with. This sexual attraction is what’s commonly considered to be the representative of their sexuality. The common sense approach to sexual orientation is well educated on heterosexuality and the LGBT community. LGBTShow MoreRelatedSociological Perspective On Understanding Human Society915 Words   |  4 PagesEvaluate the Sociological Approach to understanding Human Society Explanation of common sense and sociological approaches to the study of Human Societies, with examples. Common sense is subjective as it’s based on opinion and belief; these personal interpretations generate norms in a society that a culture becomes accustomed to, so much so that they barely notice them. It is the basic level of knowledge and judgement that we all share; which we take for granted as a real and true. Common sense tries toRead MoreWhat does it mean to think sociologically? Illustrate your answer with examples from sociological research and from your own experience.1903 Words   |  8 Pagessociology is to adopt a sociological viewpoint or think sociologically. Etymologically, sociology is the study of society but this doesnt differentiate sociology from other forms of social study. Hence, many begin to describe thinking sociologically by what it is not - it is not thinking politically, thinking anthropologically, thinking historically or thinking psychologically, for example (Berger 1966: 11-36; Reiss 1968: 2-3). Others try to determine the nature of sociological thinking by detailingRead MoreSociology and Psychology 823 Words   |  4 PagesThese theories assist us to understand behaviour from individual and societal levels. 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The department of Sociology Unc (2016) indicates sociology is the study of human social relationships and organisations. Sociology can range from crime to religion it is a very diverse subject. It refers to the family to the state, diversity of race and social class to the beliefs in common cultures. The study of sociology isRead MoreA Study Of The Development, Structure, And Functioning Of Human Society909 Words   |  4 Pagesand Public Issues). C. Wright Mills, an American sociologist, coined the term sociological imagination. Having this quality of the mind enables us to make sense of the intersection between history and biography and the relations between the two within society. This imagination is the â€Å"capacity to range from the most impersonal and remote transformations to the most intimate features of the human self† (Mills). Through the use of different sociologist’s sociological imagination, questions that aroseRead MoreHlsc1201844 Words   |  8 Pag es1 2/17/2016 Topics for Today †¢ A  sociological  approach  and  the  sociological  imagination †¢ Biomedical  model †¢ Globalisation  and  health After this session you will be able to..... ïÆ' ¼ Explain  basic  features  of  a  sociological  approach  to  health  and   illness ïÆ' ¼ Describe  the  key  characteristics  of  the  biomedical  model ïÆ' ¼ Define  some  of  the  key  concepts  that  inform  a  sociological   approach  to  health  and  illness ïÆ' ¼ Consider  the  value  of  a  sociological  approach  to  health  and   illness  for  health  workersRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination, By Wright Mills1816 Words   |  8 Pages The Sociological Imagination is a famous paradigm devised by political scientist C. Wright Mills that scrutinizes an individual’s plights in juxtaposition with how their choices either hinder or contribute to society throughout the course of history. This not only helps map archaic and contemporary configurations of existence, but its cyclical pattern allows us to envisage the possible futures open to us. Those who apply the sociological perspective are to practice a beginners mind: to rescindRead MoreWhy Nurses Should Study Sociology4078 Words   |  17 Pagesnursing and sociology of nursing The value of developing sociological skills Using sociological skills in nursing practice Sociological knowledge: policy, practice and change By the end of this chapter you should be able to . . . discuss the reasons why nurses should study sociology; understand the distinction between sociology of nursing and sociology in nursing; understand the value of sociological skills; discuss the role of sociological knowledge and the future of nursing practice. 1 Introduction

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

English Language and Linguistic

Question: Discuss about the English Language and Linguistic? Answer: Beginning: There is a beautiful village named Tower Hamlet beside the river Gems. The scenic beauty of this village is so charming that people of different localities in London love to come here for spending their holidays to enjoy the beauty of nature. Julia, an innocent girl of eighteen, feel very proud to be the inhabitant of tower Hamlet. She was very pretty and attractive to look at. Sometimes villagers consider that Julia must have a divine bliss; otherwise, she can never be so beautiful and well manner. Julia was a schoolchild having a tremendous intelligence quality. She always stands first in the class. One more important thing about Julia is that she belongs to a rich family, as her father was a renowned industrialist. Oliver on the other hand was a wicked boy belonging to the same village. Olivers father worked under the company of Julias father. Oliver and Julia know each other from the childhood. Build up: When they started to grow up Julia began to fall in love with Oliver. Oliver did not show his feeling at the very first stage. Julia proposed him repeatedly, disclosed her feeling to Julia, confessed the truth how much she loved that person. Oliver always pretended to be indifferent to Julia, as he knew that Julias father would never accept him as the life partner of her daughter. One moonlight night Julia decided to take a drastic step against Oliver. If Oliver again intended to refuse her proposal, she would never irritate this person. It was Sunday evening. Oliver and Julia met beside the river Gem. Before starting her decision, Oliver decided to express his feeling. He looked at the beautiful eyes of Julia, kissed in her forehead, knelt down in front of her, and offered a beautiful red rose. It was the most pleasurable and memorable moment for Julia. In the very first week, they shared their feeling to each other; they intended to know their likings and disliking. In the second w eek, they came more close to each other beyond going any social clash and divisions. Julia promised him that she would never leave his hand despite her fathers opposition. Conflict: It was the early morning of Monday. Julia decided to give a big surprise to her beloved by giving a ring. She decided to arrange the surprise in Olivers house. Julias father being an industrialist did not allow his daughter to make any friendship with her neighbor. Father even did not allow her to go the neighbors house. This morning Julia decided to reach Olivers residence lagging behind the entire maidservant. She executed the whole plan successfully. Whenever Julia entered into the front door, she discovered Oliver is engaged intimately with a woman in bed. The entire world began to break down. The trees stopped fluttering their heads with the winds. Julia started to cry loudly but she failed. All feelings that she shared with this fraud person were meaningless. She came back to her home silently being remorse. Resolution: Julia began to forget laughing and to have food, nor did she wish to spend time with nature. From that day, Julia did not continue the relation with Oliver. Oliver on the other hand regularly waited for Julia beside the river at the evening. Being upset he returned to his home. One evening Oliver decided to visit Julia at night going to his home in spite of taking major risk. He executed the plan successfully. Whenever Oliver entered into the bedroom of Julia, Julia started to burst out. Seeing the intense hatred on behalf of Julia, Oliver was surprised. He simply could not understand why Julia is behaving like this. On the other hand, Julia was becoming irritated observing Oliver to create a dramatic sequence. At the end, Julia locked her heart at the earnest request of Julia. After hearing all the matters, Oliver started to laugh loudly. For a second Julia could not understand anything. Oliver being controlled in his gesture disclosed the all matters. The fact was that Oliver was h aving twin brother named James. He was not that much serious at his study and career. That is the reason James became married at his early age. Julia while entering to the home of Oliver has visited the twin brother of Oliver, James and his wife. Julia listened sincerely all the matters from beginning to the end. She could not understand how she would beg pardon to her boyfriend. After a moment of silence, they looked at each other and started laughing.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Multiuser Sms Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Essay Example

Multiuser Sms Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Essay This is the model for displaying notices in colleges on electronic notice board by sending messages in form of SMS through mobile; it is a wireless transmission system which has very less errors and maintenance. The hardware board contains microcontroller AT89c52 at the heart of the system. The microcontroller is interfaced with GSM Modem via MAX232 level convertor. It is used to convert RS232 voltage levels to TTL voltage levels and vice versa. The hardware also has a 64K EEPROM chip AT24C64.This EEPROM is used to store the timings and messages to be displayed. Hardware also contains a real time clock DS1307 to maintain track of time. A 162 Character LCD display is attached to microcontroller for display. Microcontroller coding will be done using Embedded C and Kiel. PC Coding will be done using Visual Basic. Multiple Users are authorized to update notices on the electronic notice board by providing them password. We can use a PC with an administrator for monitoring the system. Keyw ords—Microcontroller 89c52, GSM Modem, MAX 232 level converter, Embedded C, Keil.I. Introduction Wireless communication has announced its arrival on big stage and the world is going mobile. We want to control everything and without moving an inch. This remote control of appliances is possible through Embedded Systems. The use of â€Å"Embedded System in Communication† has given rise to many interesting applications that ensures comfort and safety to human life. In this paper, it is proposed to design a model where the message to be displayed is sent through a SMS from an authorized transmitter.The toolkit receives the SMS, validates the user and displays the desired information after necessary code conversion. The main components of the toolkit contains microcontroller 89c52 which is interfaced with PC via MAX232 level convertor. MAX 232 level converter is used to convert RS232 voltage to TTL voltage levels and vice versa. We use PCs serial port to interface microcontr oller. A 162 Character LCD display is attached in byte mode to port 1 of microcontroller. This display will be used to display the messages /advertisements. Microcontroller coding will be done using Embedded C and Kiel.PC Coding will be done using VB. Nokia PC Connectivity SDK is a tool used in VB for GSM modem interfacing. The modem transmits the stored message through the COM port. The microcontroller displays the message in the LCD display board. The microcontroller used in this case is AT89c52. MATRIX SIMADO GDT11 is used as a GSM modem. In the prototype model, LCD display is used for simulation purpose. While implementation this can be replaced by actual display boards. II. Design Layout The block diagram For Wireless GSM based electronic notice display is shown in figure 1. pic] Fig. 1 Block Diagram of the System The whole system is basically divided into two sections: Transmitting and Receiving. Transmitting section consists of just a mobile. Any type of user (sim number) can be used, as users are assigned password for accessing the system. Authorised users send the message that they want to display on the notice board to the receiving section’s mobile number and the message will be displayed only if the users have the authentication password. Receiving section on the other hand consists of a GSM modem to receive message.Received SMS is then extracted by PC with the help of a VB program using AT commands. SMS are then sent to microcontroller using MAX232 IC and PC’s serial port. Microcontroller finally displays it on LCD display. III. Hardware description A. Microcontroller Microcontroller is used for interfacing the LCD display with PC to display messages. The AT89C52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 8K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is compatible with the industry-standard 80C51 and 80C52 instruction set and pin out.The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional non-volatile memory programmer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. B. GSM Modem A GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network. A wireless modem behaves like a dial-up modem. The main difference between them is that a dial-up modem sends and receives data through a fixed telephone line while a wireless modem sends and receives data through radio waves.Like a GSM mobile phone, a GSM modem requires a SIM card from a wireless carrier in order to operate. Generally, computers use AT commands to control modems. Reading of message from the SIM card inserted into the modem is done by sending the appropriate AT command to the modem. In addition to the standard AT commands, GSM modems support an extended set of AT commands. These extended AT commands are defined in the GSM standards. Some common basic SMS related AT Commands are shown in table below: [pic] F ig. 2. AT Commands C. Display Unit One of the most common devices attached to an 8051 is an LCD display.Here we have used 162- that means 2 rows and 16 characters. It is a Hitachi HD44780 compatible module, having 16 pins including 2 pins for backlight. To program the LCD module, first we have to initialize the LCD by sending some control words. RS should be low and E should be high when we send control. R/W pin 0 mean write data or control to LCD and R/W pin 1 means read data from the LCD. To send a data to LCD, make RS high, R/W low, place the data in pins 7 to 14 and make pin E high and low once. To make this let us first build a circuit. We are going to write on the LCD module and not reading back.So, R/W is connected to ground directly. We need not have to input any data through, so all output pins are used in our application. Data pins of LCD are connected to data pins of the port. Strobe signal (Pin 1 of D25 connector) is given to E (Pin 6 of LCD), Select printer (Pin 17 of D 25) is connected to RS (pin 4 of the LCD). Pin Configuration of LCD is shown in fig 4. [pic] Fig. 3 Pin Description of LCD IC Hitachi HD44780 Many functions as Rolling or still message display, speed variation, manage time for display is also added to the display board. D. MAX 232The MAX232 is a dual driver/receiver that includes a capacitive voltage generator to supply EIA-232 voltage levels from a single 5-V supply. Each receiver converts EIA- 232 inputs to 5-V TTL/CMOS levels. Each driver converts TTL/CMOS input levels into EIA-232 levels. GSM Modem, which works at RS-232 voltage levels, logic 1 varies from -3 to -15 volts and logic 0 from +3 to +15 volts. The microcontroller which works on TTL logic levels, logic 1 is +5 volts and logic 0 is 0 volts. Therefore to interface the two we use a MAX 232 driver IC. E. Power Supply Power Supply is an important part of a circuit.It provides required supply to different blocks of the circuit from input 230 VAC. The main blocks include tra nsformer, rectifier circuit, filter circuit, and regulator circuit. Voltage regulator IC LM7805 is used as a voltage regulator. [pic] Fig. 4 Block Diagram of Power Supply IV. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM The overall circuit diagram of the system including all the hardware involved is shown in figure 3. [pic] Fig. 5. Circuit Diagram of the system V. MULTI-USER CONCEPT AND SECURITY ISSUES As already mentioned, multiple users are assigned a common password to access the system, i. . they can update messages on the notice board. For security, password is provided to authorize users. Before sending message, a user needs to authenticate itself with the system by sending the assigned password to the receiver section’s modem SIM number. The receiving section’s system verifies password, sends response to the user and tells them to send the message. To prevent misuse, users are provided with a die-out time before which they have to send the desired message. User has to authenticate again if it does not sends message within that die-out time.Password can be periodically changed by administrator at PC to avoid threat to system security due to password leakage. VI. SOFTWARE USED A. EXPRESS PCB Express PCB is free PCB software and is a snap to learn and use. Designing circuit boards is simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional. The board manufacturing service makes top quality two and four layer PCBs. B. EMBEDDED C Embedded C is used for microcontroller programming. There is a large and growing – international demand for programmers with embedded skills, and many desktop developers are starting to move into this important area.Because most embedded projects have severe cost constraints, they tend to use low-cost processors like the 8051 family of devices considered in this paper. C. KEIL Keil development tools for the 8051 Microcontroller Architecture support every level of software developer from the professional applications engineer to the studen t just learning about embedded software development. The Keil 8051 Development Tools are designed to solve the complex problems facing embedded software developers. D. VISUAL BASICVisual Basic (VB) is an event driven programming language and associated development environment from Microsoft for its COM programming model. Visual Basic was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications. Visual Basic allows many additional components to be added to the toolbox. The Microsoft Comm component is used to add a serial communication facility. Here we have used VB also for providing graphical user interface at PC for easy access to display system, password changing and monitoring. VII.GSM MODEM-PC INTERFACING GSM Modem is used to receive message from the authorized user. This GSM modem requires a SIM card from a wireless carrier in order to operate. This SIM number is contact number of the receiving section. PCs use AT com mands to control modems. Although GSM modem is interfaced with PC through Bluetooth using a VB program, a GSM modem can be tested before actually implementing into the system. The MS HyperTerminal is a handy tool when it comes to testing the GSM device. It can be found at Start -;gt; Programs -;gt;Accessories -;gt; Communications -;gt; HyperTerminal.Various parameters like connection name, icon, comm port, and correct port settings are specified for our GSM modem. Finally in the hyper terminal main window, AT commands are sent and responds received from GSM modem can be seen. Screenshot of dialog box showing sending and receiving of AT commands is shown in figure below (Here mobile phone connection is the connection name) [pic] Fig 6. The screenshot of MS HyperTerminals main window in Windows 98. We will first have to type â€Å"AT† A response OK should be returned from the mobile phone or GSM modem. Now we will type AT+CPIN? . The AT command AT+CPIN? is used to query whethe r the mobile phone or GSM modem is waiting for a PIN (personal identification number, i. e. password). If the response is +CPIN: READY, it means the SIM card is ready for use. After this, various AT commands depending on the used modem’s instruction set are send to modem and responses are received. This process is very useful in testing GSM modems. VIII. PC-MICROCONTROLLER COMMUNICATION 8051 provides a transmit channel and a receive channel of serial communication. The transmit data pin (TXD) is specified at P3. , and the receive data pin (RXD) is at P3. 0. All modes are controlled through SCON, the Serial control register. The timers are controlled using TMOD, the Timer mode register, and TCON, the Timer control register. [pic] Fig 7. Circuit diagram for PC-Microcontroller interfacing First we have to design a communication protocol. After this, to get started open Visual Basic. †¢ Start a new Standard EXE. †¢ Next go to the Project | Components menu †¢ Check the Microsoft Comm control 6. 0. †¢ Click OK. Next double-click on the yellow phone in the toolbar to add the MSComm control to our form.Form is created using drag and drop technique, and a tool is available is available to define their control status. Now that the form is set up and ready to go, we just need to add the code to send the data. Microcontroller is also programmed to read the data and further uses it to program LCD Module by steps described in display unit in the hardware description section. IX. CONCLUSION By introducing the concept of wireless technology in the field of communication we can make our communication more efficient and faster, with greater efficiency we can display the messages and with less errors and maintenance.This model can be used very efficiently in establishments like chain restaurants wherein the order and special discounts can be displayed at all branches simultaneously, in colleges wherein students and staffs can be informed simultaneously in no time. It can be set up at public transport places like railways, bus station, and airport and also at roadside for traffic control and in emergency situations, it is cost efficient system and very easy to handle. Latency involved in using of papers in displaying of notices is avoided and the information can be updated by the authorized persons. X.FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS 1. A commercial model can be able to display more than one message at a time. 2. Alphanumeric LCDs have a limitation on size as well as no of characters. These can be replaced with large LED display boards which are not only eye catching but display characters in a moving fashion one after the other. 3. In our project we are sending messages via GSM network and displaying on a LCD by utilizing AT commands. The same principle can be applied to control electrical appliances at a distant location. 4. Robots can be controlled in a similar fashion by sending the commands to the robots.This can be used for spy robots at distant locations, utilized by the military to monitor movement of enemy troops. REFERENCES [1] Books: The 8051 Microcontroller and System Janice GillispieMazidi Rolin D. McKinlay Muhammad Ali Mazidi [2] Books: GSM and Personal Communications Handbook SiegmundRedl, MatthiasWeber MalcolmW. Oliphant [3] Books: Principles and Applications of GSM Vijay Garg [4] Web Site http://burnsidetelecom. com/whitepapers/gsm. pdf [5] Web site http://www. cisco. com 6] Web site http://www. alldatasheets. com [7] Web Site http://www. robotroom. com/AlphanumericDisplay. html [8] Web Site http://pdfserv. maxim-ic. com/en/an/AN83. pdf [9] Web Site http://www. beyondlogic. org/serial/serial. pdf [10] Web Site http://www. directindustry. com/industrial [11] Website – http://www. 8051projects. info. com [12] Pdf– ATMEL semiconductors 80c52/80c51 8 bit microcontroller data sheets. [13] Pdf- MCS-51 Programmers Guide and Instruction Set by INTEL. [14] Pdf- Visual Basic 6. 0 Tutori al from the website http://www. vbtutor. net